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Targeting basics

The following general targeting information can be used to plan how to target recipients for different types of alerts.
The administrator can restrict the organizational nodes and distribution lists that each publisher can access. As a result, a publisher might be able to target only a fraction of the total available organizations and distribution lists.
  • Use Fill Count to specify a certain number of responses before ending an alert. This option is useful when you need confirmation that the alert has been received by a certain number of users.
  • Enable Escalation to control the order in which users are contacted. Use escalation options to control the delivery order by groups or specific individuals.
  • You can add a group escalation path based on user attribute values and priority. You can also specify a sequence that targets individuals, one-by-one, until enough users respond. After the fill count is met, the alert is ended.
  • Blocking a recipient always takes priority during targeting. If a user is excluded, they
    will not
    receive an alert, even if they belong to a group, organization, geographical area, or distribution list that has been targeted to receive the alert.