Install the CylanceOPTICS agent on the Linux device
agent on the Linux
deviceComplete the following steps if the
CylancePROTECT Desktop
agent is already installed on the Linux
device and the device is already communicating with the CylanceHYBRID
application.- Verify that you are runningCylanceHYBRIDversion 2.0 or later.
- Verify that theCylancePROTECT Desktopagent is installed and properly communicating withCylanceHYBRIDbefore you install theCylanceOPTICSagent on the device.
- Use the most recent versions of theCylancePROTECT Desktopagent, and theCylanceOPTICSagent if you will also installCylanceOPTICS. For more information, see the compatibility information for theCylance Endpoint Securitydesktop agents.
- Download theCylanceOPTICSsetup file to theLinuxdevice. You can either sign in to theCylance Endpoint Securitymanagement console from the device, or transfer the installation file from an external source (like a USB flash drive) to the device. You can also use a group policy or other software-management system to deploy theCylanceOPTICSinstaller.
- ConfigureCylanceHYBRIDas the proxy server forCylanceOPTICS. On eachCylanceOPTICSendpoint, run the following commands as root or using a root shell:TaskCLI commandMake the cyoptics.service.d directorymkdir /etc/systemd/system/cyoptics.service.dAdd the CylanceHYBRID instance to the proxy.conf fileecho "[Service]" > /etc/systemd/system/cyoptics.service.d/proxy.confecho "Environment=http_proxy=http://<cylancehybrid.domain.local>:8888" >> /etc/systemd/system/cyoptics.service.d/proxy.confecho "Environment=https_proxy=http://<cylancehybrid.domain.local>:8888" >> /etc/systemd/system/cyoptics.service.d/proxy.conf
- Use the following command to verify the contents of the file:cat /etc/systemd/system/cyoptics.service.d/proxy.confThe following is a sample output for that command:[Service] Environment=http_proxy=http://cylancehybrid.domain.local:8888 Environment=https_proxy=http://cylancehybrid.domain.local:8888
- If you make changes to the proxy.conf file after you installCylanceOPTICS, you must restart the cyoptics service for the changes to take effect. Run the following commands as root:
- systemctl stop cyoptics
- systemctl daemon-reload
- systemctl start cyoptics
- Perform one of the following tasks:TaskStepsUse the GUI.
- Double-click theCylanceOPTICSinstaller. No other parameters or configuration are required.
- ClickContinue.
- ClickClosewhen the installation is complete.
Use the terminal commands.Make sure that your version ofLinuxmeets the requirements forCylanceOPTICS. See Requirements: CylanceOPTICS.Do one of the following:- On RHEL/CentOS, SUSE, orAmazonLinux2, open a terminal window and run the following command:yum install CylanceOPTICS-<version>.rpm, where <version> is the version of the .rpm file.
- OnUbuntu, run the following command:dpkg -i cylance-optics_<version>_amd64.deb, where <version> is the version of the .deb file.
For additional information and troubleshooting suggestions, see Troubleshooting.