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Create a bulk update request

You can update the agent version update rules of your tenants simultaneously by submitting a bulk update request.
  1. In the Cylance Multi-Tenant Console, click
    Tenant Configurations > Agents
  2. Click the
    New Bulk Update Request
  3. In the
    New Request For Bulk Agent Update
    section, click
    Select Tenants
  4. Select the desired tenants and click
  5. Click
    Select Update Rules
  6. In the
    General Information
    section, select a rule name. The supported rules are Test, Pilot, and Production.
  7. In the
    Assign Zones
    section, enter a zone name and press the Enter key to complete specifying the zone. You can enter multiple unique zone names (the values that you enter are not case-sensitive). The specified list of zones will replace all the zones currently assigned to the rule in the target tenant. If a specified zone does not exist in the target tenant, the zone will be skipped and indicated in the status report. If none of the specified zones exist, the rule update will fail.
  8. In the
    sections, choose the update settings for the respective agents.
    versions can be set to Auto Update for the Production rule, however in this case your bulk update request cannot include Test and Pilot rules at the same time. If
    is not enabled in the target tenant, the rule update will only be performed for the specified
    version. If the selected
    versions are not available in the target tenant, the rule update will not be successful.
  9. Click
  10. If you want to add additional tenants or rules, repeat the previous steps.
  11. When all your tenants and rules have been added, click
  • While the agent bulk update is in progress, you cannot make any new updates until it is finished.
  • You will receive an email notification when the bulk process is complete.
  • On the
    Bulk Update History
    tab, you can download the status report of your bulk request and view your previous bulk update requests from the last 30 days.