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Reading .txt log files

Log files stored as .txt files have two basic formats:
  • The first format is the most common and usually starts with the date and time, providing information in the following manner:
    DateTime Appname ProcessID LoggingFeature LoggingComponent StructuredData LogLevel Message
    For example:
    2019-04-23T13:16:56.883+0100 - CORE {wff-thread-37} none|none [{{Correlation-Id,b417051d-13c3-4a29-95f2-512c48b2b018}{Method,POST}{Uri,/tomcat/startup}{host,}}] - INFO Discrete snapin load finished
  • The second format, starting with a numerical level indicator, provides information in the following manner:
    Level Date Thread CID Message
    For example:
    <#03>[30000] (09/10 00:00:00.122):{0x520} [DIAG] EVENT=Thread_report, THREADID=0x1390, THREADNAME="SRPReceiverHandler"
There may be some variation, based on the component or function that is being logged, but all log files stored as
files contain the following basic information.
Date or Timestamp
A timestamp in of the form <Date><Time><difference from UTC>.
The Date/Time indicates the date and time of a particular event.
The date and time stamp are in the local server time.
Hostname or component identification
Component identification, or hostname, tells you which component that the log file is for. In some cases, this is clear, such as CORE, in others it is less clear, using a numerical identifier.
The Appname is the same for all log files and is shown as MDM.
ProcessID or Thread
Represents the Java Thread Id of the thread which is currently logging a message. For example:
The MessageId identifies the type of message being sent to the log file. It is a combination of the feature and component being logged using the format <feature>|<component>. For example:|appmgmt
Zero or more name value pairs which represent structured data. For example:
The message indicates the activity and describes the nature of the event. A message could include information about the hardware or software running, or the problem that is occurring. For example:
INFO Total 2 routes, of which 2 is started.
The event level indicates the type of log entry. Commonly, events will fit into one of the following categories:
  • ERROR = Error
  • WARN = Warning
  • INFO = Informational
  • ENV = Environmental
  • DEBUG = Debug
  • Other: DIAG = Diagnostic
In some log files, the level is shown with a numerical value, in the following format:
  • [10000] = Error
  • [20000] = Warning
  • [30000] = Informational
  • [40000] = Debug
  • [50000] = Other