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Update the server token

The server token is valid for one year. You must renew the token each year before it expires. To see the status of the token, see the Expiry date in the
Device Enrollment Program window.
If the public key has changed, Download a new public key.
  1. On the menu bar, click
    Settings > External integration > Apple Device Enrollment Program
  2. Click the name of a DEP account.
  3. In the
    Expiry date
    section, click
    Update server token
  4. In
    Step 1 of 2: Generate a Server Token from Apple DEP account
    , click
    Open the Apple DEP portal
  5. Sign in to your account for DEP.
  6. In the preferences for your account, download the server token for the MDM server.
  7. In step
    2 of 2: Register the Server Token with BlackBerry UEM
    , click
  8. Select the
    server token file.
  9. Click
  10. Click