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Secure storage

Secure file system
BlackBerry Dynamics
apps store data in a secure, encrypted file system. For more information, see BlackBerry Dynamics File I/O Package in the
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android
API reference, or GDFileManager and GDFileHandle in the
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS
API reference.
Core data
BlackBerry Dynamics
apps can store Core Data objects in a secure, encrypted store. For more information, see GDPersistentStoreCoordinator in the API reference.
Secure SQL database
BlackBerry Dynamics
apps can leverage a secure SQL database that stores and encrypts data on the user’s device. The secure SQL database is based on the SQLite library.
For more information, see the
BlackBerry Dynamics
SQL Database page in the
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK
API reference (Android/iOS).