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with a
BlackBerry Dynamics

If you previously integrated the separate
BlackBerry Analytics
SDK with your
BlackBerry Dynamics
app, after you upgrade to use SDK version 8.0, do the following to remove the previous integration:
  • Remove
    from the Link Binary With Libraries build phase.
  • Remove
    from the Copy Bundle Resources build phase.
  • Remove the following method calls within your project:
    • BlackberryAnalytics.setStage()
    • BlackberryAnalytics.hostInitializationCompleted()
  • Change the import for the
    header from
    #import <BAFBlackberryAnalytics/BAFBlackberryAnalytics.h>
    #import <GD/BAFBlackberryAnalytics.h>
  1. In your implementation of the
    , import the header
  2. In the app target
    , enable
    Access WiFi Information
  3. It is recommended that you add the following usage descriptions (or your own custom descriptions) to the
    file to inform the user why the app requires location permission:
    • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription: "Allow BlackBerry to collect location data, including Wi-Fi address and IP address, and usage patterns only when the app is in use. You may change this setting at any time from your device settings."
    • NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription: "Always allow BlackBerry to collect location data, including Wi-Fi address and IP address, and usage patterns, even when the app is not in use. You may change this setting at any time from your device settings."
    • NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription: "Allow BlackBerry to collect location data, including Wi-Fi address and IP address, and usage patterns both when the app is and is not in use. You may change this setting at any time from your device settings."
  4. Add the following Persona flag metadata to the
    file under the ROOT <dict> tag:
    <dict> <key>BlackBerryDynamics</key> <dict> <key>EnableBlackBerryPersona</key> <true/> </dict> </dict>
  5. In the Settings or Preferences section of your app UI, add a menu item called “BlackBerry Persona Settings” that calls the following method:
    This method triggers the
    BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime
    to display a screen that prompts the user to opt in or opt out of
    using the user’s location and IP address data when assessing the user’s risk level.
    This is a mandatory legal requirement to ensure that the end user can choose whether to allow
    to collect and use data.