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BlackBerry Workspaces
 user roles

Administrators can assign non-administrative user roles to workspace and Exchange senders. These users can access the 
BlackBerry Workspaces Web Application
, but not the administration console. You can assign more than one of the following roles per user. When multiple roles are assigned, the user has the combined capabilities of the different roles.
Some organization administrator roles are restricted in what rights they can grant to the user roles. For more information, see About assigning user roles.

Workspace owner

Workspace owners have a personal workspace that they can manage with workspace administrator capabilities. In addition, workspace owners can create and delete workspaces within their organization. 


Senders can send files as protected links. An 
Exchange sender
 does not need be a member of any particular group for any particular workspace. This role can be assigned to a user in addition to the other user roles.

Workspace Contributor

Workspace Contributors can create, view, update, and delete documents in the workspaces they are members of, depending on the access permissions for files that are controlled by the Workspace owner or Admin users. Workspace Contributors can also be assigned the role by Workspace Administrators.


Visitors can view documents in a workspace but cannot create or modify them. A visitor is invited to view documents by workspace owners, exchange senders, and workspace contributors, and can be assigned the role by workspace administrators.
Their access permissions for documents are controlled by the user sending them the document, or by the Workspace Owner or Admin users.

MyDox workspace owner

MyDox workspace owners have a personal workspace only, and cannot manage groups. MyDox owners can share files from their personal workspace, and cannot send and receive files in their Inbox and Sent items.

Individual connector workspace owner

Individual connector workspace owners can add and manage external repositories, such as Alfresco, Dropbox, OneDrive for Business, iManage, Sharepoint, and Windows File Share.

Protected user

Protected users have their email attachments automatically protected according to the organization whitelist and blacklist rules defined in the Email Protector section of the Administration console. These users do not have access to other sharing features unless enabled by a different role.

Legal Investigator

Legal investigators can download all files with full access from any workspace, including the Recycle bin. 
The use of this role must be licensed from 
BlackBerry Workspaces