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Application server preparation

The following sections describe actions that you need to take to prepare to upgrade the application servers.
The following pre-installed Windows components may need to be upgraded:
Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server
If the version installed is earlier than 2014.120.5543.11, upgrade to this version using the 
 file available under the Prereqs folder.
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0
If the version installed is earlier than 2011.110.6518.00, upgrade to this version using the 
 file available under Prereqs folder.
.Net Framework v. 4.7
If an earlier version is installed, upgrade to version 4.7. If a later version is installed, uninstall it and then install version 4.7.
For Windows Server 2012R2 (64 bit), install the HTTP Activation feature under both .NET Framework 3.5 Features and .NET Framework 4.5 Features.
Although the .Net Framework version is 4.7, the feature shows as .NET Framework 4.5 Features in Windows Server 2012.
If you have a version earlier than 2.1.7, you must install version 2.1.7 or 2.2.2. This version coexists with other versions and is needed by the 
BlackBerry AtHoc
 web API.