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External error pages for Self Service throttling

When the 
 Self Service application is throttled to use only 30% of CPU, it is likely that IIS will display errors with a status code of “503” or “500” when the system is under heavy load and unable to handle requests. If these errors occur, IIS displays a default error page that does not contain a lot of useful information for users.
These errors are usually not customizable at the IIS level on the same server, as documented by Microsoft. 
BlackBerry AtHoc
 provides friendly messages in static pages that can be used in place of the default error pages, provided that the 
BlackBerry AtHoc
 system is deployed behind a proxy server or load balancer that supports error message customization. You can configure these load balancers or proxy servers to trap these errors and redirect to the friendlier messages instead. The error pages are available on the application server at the following path: AtHocENS\wwwroot\errorpages.
You can take the 
 folder and host it on any web server that is capable of serving HTML, CSS, and Javascript pages.
The server where you host your error pages should be different than the 
 server where you are running the 
To host the folder, administrators copy the folder and make it publicly available from their web server. For example, if you hosted these pages directly under the root folder of the web server, the error pages can then be accessed using the following URL, where <domainnameofserver> refers to the actual domain name of the server:
Error page
Error page URL
500 – Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. Try to access the page again. If this doesn't work, wait a few minutes, restart your browser, and then try again.
503 – Service Unavailable
The server is unable to load the page you are requesting. This could be because increased traffic is overwhelming the server. Wait a few minutes and then try again.
After these pages are hosted on a different server than the 
 server, you can configure the individual proxy server or load balancers to redirect to the static hosted pages based on the error that IIS returns to the client.
Because the configuration process varies depending on the type of load balancer or proxy server being used, the configuration process is not documented here.