- About BlackBerry 2FA
- Steps to manage BlackBerry 2FA in BlackBerry UEM
- System requirements: BlackBerry 2FA
- Create a user
- Assign the BlackBerry 2FA app to BlackBerry 10 devices
- Create or modify a BlackBerry 2FA profile in BlackBerry UEM version 12.8 or earlier
- Create or modify a BlackBerry 2FA profile in BlackBerry UEM Cloud or BlackBerry UEM version 12.9 or later
- Assign a BlackBerry 2FA profile to a user
- Create an activation profile to register unmanaged devices with BlackBerry 2FA
- Assign a registration-only activation profile to a user with an unmanaged device
- Activate a BlackBerry 10 device
- Activate an iOS device
- Activate an Android device
- Set or cancel Preauthentication
- Steps to manage One-Time Password hardware tokens
- Enable the OTP tokens feature
- Disable the OTP tokens feature
- Supported One-Time Password hardware tokens
- Use the BlackBerry 2FA Token Conversion Tool
- Modifying the CSVConfig configuration file
- Import OTP tokens into BlackBerry UEM
- Remove an OTP token from BlackBerry UEM
- Assign an OTP token to a user
- Remove an OTP token from a user
- Automatically accommodate out-of-sync hardware tokens
- Manually resync a hardware token
- Logging and reporting
- BlackBerry Docs
- BlackBerry 2FA
- BlackBerry 2FA - Administration Guide
- About BlackBerry 2FA
- Upgrading BlackBerry UEM
Upgrading BlackBerry UEM
BlackBerry UEM
If you upgrade
BlackBerry UEM
and you use a BlackBerry 2FA
server, after the upgrade, you must restart the BlackBerry 2FA
service on the 2FA
server. For example, if you upgrade from BlackBerry UEM
version 12.6 to 12.7 and you are running BlackBerry 2FA
server 2.5, restart the BlackBerry 2FA
service on the 2FA
server.For the latest compatibility information, see the
BlackBerry 2FA
server compatibility matrix.