Preparing the computer that hosts BEMS for use with Microsoft Lync
Server 2013 or Skype for Business
for use with Microsoft Lync
2013 or Skype for Business
If you plan to install
for use with Microsoft Lync
2013 or Skype for Business
, you must verify that the computer that you install BEMS
on meets specific requirements. All instant messaging server platforms, require the
service to be installed on a computer that runs Microsoft
Server 2012, Windows Server
2016, Windows Server
2019, or Windows Server
2022.Turn off antivirus software for computers running
with BlackBerry Connect
and BlackBerry Presence
.Before you install
, you must perform the following actions in the order that they are listed. Complete these tasks on each computer that hosts the
service.- Install and enable a command-line shell and scripting tool.
- On a computer that is runningWindows Server2016,Windows Server2019, orWindows Server2022,Windows PowerShellis enabled by default. OpenWindows PowerShelland run the following script:Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser RemoteSigned
- On a computer that is runningWindows Server2012, if required, use theWindows ServerManager to addWindows PowerShell3.0 as a feature. When the installation prompts you to restart the computer, clickYes.
- OpenWindows PowerShelland run the following script:Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser RemoteSigned
- Install and enableMicrosoft .NET Framework4.6 or later. For more information about .Net Framework system requirements, visit
- On a computer that is runningWindows Server2016,Windows Server2019, orWindows Server2022, no action is required.Microsoft .NET Frameworkis installed and enabled by default.
- On a computer that is runningWindows Server2012, use theWindows ServerManager to addMicrosoft .NET Frameworkas a feature. When the installation prompts you to restart the computer, clickYes.
- Complete one of the following tasks using theWindows ServerManager:
- If you installBEMSon a computer that is runningWindows Server2016,Windows Server2019, orWindows Server2022, no action is required.
- If you installBEMSon a computer that is runningWindows Server2012, installMedia Foundation. When the installation prompts you to restart the computer, clickYes.
- Download and installMicrosoft Unified Communications Managed API.Consult your vendor documentation to determine if theMicrosoft Unified Communications Managed APIversion is supported by your operating system.
- If you useSkype for Business2015 orSkype for Business2019, downloadMicrosoft Unified Communications Managed API5.0 Runtime (UcmaRuntimeSetup.exe). To download the file, visit and search for ID=47344.UCMA 6.0 is not supported.
- If you useMicrosoft Lync Server2013, downloadMicrosoft Unified Communications Managed API4.0 Runtime (UcmaRuntimeSetup.exe). To download the file, visit and search for ID=34992.
- RunOCSCore.msi. This file is included with theMicrosoft Unified Communications Managed APIand located in a hidden folder at<drive>:\ProgramData\Microsoft\<instant messaging server type>\Deployment\cache\<version>\Setup\
- If you enable persistent chat in aSkype for Business2015 environment, download and install the following files.Persistent chat is not supported in aSkype for Business2019 environment. For more information, see deprecated.
- Microsoft Visual C++2012 x64 Minimum Runtime – 11.0.50727. To download the file, click here.
- Microsoft Lync Server2013 persistent chat server SDK. To download the file, visit and search for id=35458.
Microsoft Lync Server2013 environment, download and install the persistent chat server SDK. To download the file, visit and search for id=35458. - Install the latest service pack and criticalWindowsupdates on your computer.