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CylancePROTECT Desktop
release notes

The following tables provide information about the new features of
CylancePROTECT Desktop
in the management console. For the agents, information is available in their separate sections:

What's new in the management console for
CylancePROTECT Desktop
(August 2024)

Script control for
In the script control device policy settings, administrators can now separately control how the larger scripts (for example, PowerShell scripts larger than 5 MB) are reported to the
console when a threat is detected. The separate setting allows administrators to focus on tuning the detection of smaller scripts, which are more likely to be malicious than IT scripts (which are typically larger in size), and enables the agent to achieve optimal blocking posture faster. You can apply the policy settings for each type of script (which includes blocking the script from running) so that these threats are managed together regardless of the size of the script. You can also manage them separately by only sending alerts to the console, or ignoring alerts for large scripts. The default setting is "Ignore large scripts".
Devices must be running
CylancePROTECT Desktop
agent version 3.3 or later.
For more information, see Script control in the Setup content.

What's new in the management console for
CylancePROTECT Desktop
(June 2024)

USB device control for
CylancePROTECT Desktop
agent for
3.3 now supports the USB device control feature, which allows administrators to control whether to allow or block access to USB mass storage devices. Administrators can turn on device control for
devices from the device policy for storage devices classified as USB optical drives or USB storage drives (such as hard drives or flash drives).
  • Administrators can enable this feature for devices through the device policy in the
    Device Control
  • Devices must be running
    CylancePROTECT Desktop
    agent version 3.3 or later.
For more information, see Device control in the Setup content.

What's new in the management console for
CylancePROTECT Desktop
(January 2024)

Software inventory (
This feature allows administrators to identify applications that may be a source of vulnerabilities, prioritize actions against vulnerabilities, and address them accordingly. Administrators can view all applications installed on devices that are registered with the tenant and view a list of applications that are installed on individual devices.
  • Administrators can enable this feature for devices through the device policy in the
    Agent Settings
  • Devices must be running
    CylancePROTECT Desktop
    agent version 3.2 or later.
  • To view a list of all applications installed on devices, navigate to
    Assets > Installed Applications
    in the console.
  • To view a list of applications on an individual device, navigate to
    Assets > Devices > Threats & Activities > Installed Applications
    in the console.
Enhanced script control using script scoring (
CylancePROTECT Desktop
agent now supports enhanced script control using script scoring. Scripts that have an unsafe or abnormal threat score can be intelligently blocked from executing and alerted to the management console.
  • Devices must be running
    CylancePROTECT Desktop
    agent version 3.2 or later. Devices running unsupported agents will default to block scripts.
  • Administrators can configure the Active Script or PowerShell Script setting from the Script Control tab in the device policy to block scripts that
    considers to be unsafe or abnormal.
Alert mode for the use of PowerShell Console (Script control for
CylancePROTECT Desktop
agent now supports Alert mode for the use of PowerShell Console in interactive mode, so that detected events are reported to the management console while still allowing them to run.
  • Devices must be running
    CylancePROTECT Desktop
    agent version 3.2 or later. Devices running unsupported agents will default to block the use of PowerShell console.
  • Administrators can control the setting from the Script Control tab in the device policy using the PowerShell Console drop-down menu.

What's new in the management console for
CylancePROTECT Desktop
(October 2023)

Background threat detection on-demand scan
Administrators can now initiate a background threat detection scan on demand from the management console.
  • Devices must be running
    CylancePROTECT Desktop
    agent version 3.2 or later.
  • The command can be sent from the Device Details screen for an individual device, or for multiple devices at once from the Devices screen.
Note that if background threat detection scans are running on several VM devices that are from the same VM host at the same time, device performance will be impacted due to resource sharing.