LDAP data processor node descriptions
: This is a root node of the output file. The <integrationData> node has the following sub nodes:- <hierarchy>: This node contains hierarchy node details. It has a <hynode> sub node for each level of hierarchy.
- <users>: This node contains user definitions. Under this node is a <user> node which represents one user that needs to be synchronized.
- <user>: This node represents each node that will be synchronized. The following sub nodes can be present under the <user> node:
- <login_id>: The XSLT must produce this mandatory node. The value of this node is a username of the user to be matched against the username in theBlackBerry AtHocsystem.
- <lineage>: (Optional) This node represents a membership in an organizational hierarchy. This node must be present when assigning a user to an organization hierarchy. The value of this node is the path of the organization hierarchy.
- <displayName>: (Optional) When provided, the value is the display name for a user.
- <firstName>: (Optional) When provided, the value is the first name of the user.
- <lastName>: (Optional) When provided, the value is the last name of the user.
- <enabled>: (Optional) Values are “Y” or “N”. “Y” means the user should be created as an enabled user. “N” means the user should be created as a disabled user.
- <customFields>: (Optional) The sub nodes of this node represent each attribute to synchronize. The sub node should be in the following format:field commonName=”common name of attribute”>Value of attribute</field>.
- <devices>: (Optional) The sub nodes of this node represent each device to synchronize. The sub node should be in the following format:<device commonName="common name of device">value of device</device>.
- <staticlists>: This node contains definitions for static distribution lists. It has the following sub nodes:
- <list>: This node represents one static list. The commonName attribute of this node is the common name of the static distribution list in theBlackBerry AtHocsystem. The <list> node has following sub nodes:
- <name>: Name of a static distribution list.
- <description>: Description of a static distribution list.
- <members>: The node that represents members. Members can be users or other distribution lists.