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LDAP data adapter node descriptions

  • <IntegrationData>
    : Top level node which contains all sub nodes.
  • <hynode>
    : This node represents one of the following entities: TREE, STATICLIST, or USER. TREE nodes are hierarchy or group nodes. The STATICLIST node is for static distribution lists. The USER node is for a user. <hynode> can have other <hynode> nodes as children.
    • <attributes>
      : Each <hynode> node contains an <attributes> node. Attributes that were specified in the configuration file for each class type are found under the <attributes> node. The nodes under the <attributes> node are different based on configuration and type of hynode. See LDAP class-based configuration for instructions on how to specify attributes.
    • <members>
      : The <members> node is usually present for <hynode type=”STATICLIST”>.  When present, this node has one or many <member> sub nodes which can have type=”USER” or type=”STATICLIST” to denote if the members of this list are users or other nested lists.