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Customize the BBM Enterprise Alerts configuration for each account

You can use the default BBM Enterprise Alerts configuration for all accounts or you can add customized configurations for each account, as needed.
  1. In the 
    NDS Console
    , navigate to 
  2. Record the Account ID for the account that needs a customized BBM-E account configuration. You will need this ID in Step 4.
  3. In the 
    NDS Console
    , navigate to 
  4. On the list of plug-in keys, click 
    New Configuration 
    and enter the following information into the fields:
    • New Key: 
    • AccountId: Enter the Account ID that you saved in Step 2.
    • Device Type: Insert the string 
    • Value: In <OrgId>, enter the ID number of the organization where users are registered in BBME.
  5. Click 
  6. Verify that the custom configuration was added:
    1. The NDS Console configuration has the added configuration listed under 
    2. The 
      AtHoc Event Viewer
       displays a message that a new configuration was uploaded.