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Automatically delete users based on the User Last Updated Source attribute

Operators can set up rules to automatically delete user accounts based on when a user profile was last updated and by the source that updated the profile. The following table lists the possible sources and the search terms required to search by source.
Search term
Mobile app
  • Check-in
  • Check-out
  • Report
  • Emergency
  • User Tracking - Mobile App
  • Mobile
Self Service
BlackBerry AtHoc
Management System
User Sync Client
CSV Import
Targeted Device
  • Alert Tracking - Desktop Popup
  • Alert Tracking - Email
  • Alert Tracking - Mobile App
  • Alert Tracking - Phone
  • Alert Tracking - Text Messaging
  1. In the navigation bar, click The Settings icon.
  2. In the
    section, click
    Disable and Delete Users
  3. On the
    Disable and Delete Users
    screen, in the
    Delete Users
    section, select the AND/OR operator. When AND is selected, users must meet all conditions to be added. When OR is selected, users that match any of the conditions are added. The default is AND.
  4. Click the
    Select Attribute
    drop-down list and then select
    User Last Updated Source
  5. Select an operation from the
    Select Operation
  6. In the blank field that appears, enter the source to use to delete users. The text you enter in this field must match one of the search terms listed in the table above. You can add more than one source, separated by a comma. For example, API, UserSyncClient.
  7. Click