- What is BBM Enterprise?
- Setting up BBM Enterprise for use in your organization
- Chats
- Start a chat in BBM Enterprise
- Forward a message
- Record a voice note
- Add a message to favorites
- Send a timed message or picture
- Copy or email a chat
- Save a chat (Windows and macOS)
- Pin a chat
- Retract or delete a message or chat
- Clear a chat
- Hide a chat
- Start a BBM Enterprise group chat
- Start a group chat
- Add more people to the group chat
- Assign administrator privileges to a group chat participant
- Add a profile picture to a group chat
- Change the group chat subject
- Clone a group chat
- Mention a participant in a group chat
- Remove a participant from a group chat
- Turn on priority notifications
- Conferencing with BBM Enterprise
- Contacts and groups
- Frequently asked questions
- BlackBerry Docs
- BBM Enterprise
- BBM Enterprise for macOS User Guide
- Contacts and groups
- Find your BBM Enterprise PIN
Find your BBM Enterprise PIN
Find your
BBM Enterprise
PINA PIN is a unique combination of numbers and letters used to identify each person in
BBM Enterprise
. If you don't want to share personal information, like your phone number or email address, you can share your PIN. People can add you as a
BBM Enterprise
contact if they know your PIN.- At the top of the screen, click your picture or name.
- Your PIN appears on theMy Profilescreen. To copy your PIN, click