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BBM Enterprise
users into
BlackBerry UEM

Only the following .csv entries apply to importing users for
BBM Enterprise
  • Username (mandatory)
  • First name (mandatory for
    BBM Enterprise
  • Last Name (mandatory for
    BBM Enterprise
  • Contact email (mandatory for
    BBM Enterprise
  • Title (optional)
  • Department (optional)
  • Company phone or mobile phone (optional)
These fields are shown in the
BBM Enterprise
Cloud Directory when searching for a user activated for
BBM Enterprise
BlackBerry UEM
. For each user, this content available in the
BBM Enterprise
Cloud directory only if the Cloud Directory policy is enabled in the
BBM Enterprise
policy assigned to the user.
Group membership: MDM (
BlackBerry UEM
) (always set to FALSE if importing for
BBM Enterprise
purposes only)
Do not specify activation details (template, password) because these do not work unless the user is set to be MDM-enabled in the .csv file.
To import all the properties, you must take the following steps:
  • When you create a local user, expand Additional details and enter information in the Department, Title, and Work or Mobile phone fields as required.
  • If you are creating many users from a .csv file, populate the columns with the appropriate information.
  • If you are configuring a specific Active Directory or LDAP group, check the
    Synchronize additional user details box
After importing, users are enabled for
BBM Enterprise
because they are added in to a
BBM Enterprise
enabled group (a group with
BBM Enterprise
You may have to wait some time to see all the users enabled for
BBM Enterprise
, as
works to create them. Until the process is completed,
BBM Enterprise
displays Pending status in the Users view. When the process completes successfully, the status changes to Enabled. This delay also applies to import of users through Active Directory and creating a single user, if you add these users to a group that has the
BBM Enterprise
profile assigned to it.