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BBM Enterprise
content in
BlackBerry UEM

  1. Configure the
    BBM Enterprise
    Archiving settings in the
    BBM Enterprise
    For more information, see Create BBM Enterprise profiles.
    The content is archived when either the archived content size reaches the archiving file size or the upload frequency reaches the set time. A best practice is to balance the accumulated content file size with the frequency, depending on the amount of information exchanged and the frequency (for example, 1 MB and 4 hours).
  2. Configure
    BlackBerry UEM
    audit log files. For more information, see Auditing events in BlackBerry UEM in the
    BlackBerry UEM
    Administration content.
    After you assign the
    BBM Enterprise
    profile to users and they activate their devices on
    BlackBerry UEM
    , messages and other events are stored in the audit logs directory in
    BlackBerry UEM