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BBM Enterprise audit log files

Following are the properties of the BBM Enterprise audit log files:
  • Audit log files are in .csv format and are named using the following format: <UEM SRPID>_<user email>__<user BBME endpoint id>__<encryption key alias or NA if not encrypted>_<logging version>_date_<file number>.csv
  • When a file reaches the size defined in the audit logs settings, the file number is incremented.
  • An audit file is created for each user. 
  • A separate audit file is created for each device that has the same user.
  • All files for the same user are identified by <user email>.
  • All files for the same user and the same device are identified by <user BBME endpoint id>.
  • When an archiving encryption key is set, the content of all plain text fields (for example, sender, tag, and msg) is AES256-encrypted.
  • The chat ID, message ID, timestamp, sender ID, and date are not encrypted to make searching easier (for example, searching for a date and time).
Each BBM Enterprise audit file contains the following information.
Column name
Unique identifier of a chat. All participants in the same conversation have the same chat in their respective .csv files. Stored as a base64-encoded ASCII value in the .csv file.
Identifies the content type. The type can be, but is not limited to one of the following:
  • text –message (sent/received) or subject of the message
  • call – VOIP call (placed/received, duration and type)
  • join – a person joining a chat
  • leave – a person leaving a chat
  • picture – picture sharing event (only the picture name is logged)
  • file – file sharing (only the file name is logged)
  • quote – a person quoting a message in a chat
  • subject – an event when a subject of a group chat is set
Contains data for some tags, such as call, picture, quote and so on
The name of a person that generated an audit event in a chat
Unique identifier of a person generating an audit log entry
Contains data for tag types such as text and subject
Unique message identifier of a message or event in a chat. Stored as a base64-encoded hexadecimal  value in the .csv file.
Epoch timestamp in UTC / GMT indicating the time when an event was generated in a chat
Date/time corresponding to the <timestamp> field