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BBM Enterprise
archiving in
BlackBerry UEM Cloud

  • Verify that the
    BBM Enterprise
    service is enabled in the
    management console.
  • Verify that your organization has a valid UEM-Based Archiving for BBM Enterprise license.
  1. On the menu bar, click
    Policies and Profiles
    BBM Enterprise
  2. On the
    BBM Enterprise profiles
    screen, click
    Add a profile
  3. In the
    Add BBM Enterprise
    profile screen, select
    BAAS for BBM Enterprise
  4. Do any of the following:
    • Select
      Upload Frequency
      and specify the upload frequency.
    • Select
      Max File Size Before Upload
      and specify a maximum file size.
    • Select
      Archiving and encryption settings
      and specify encryption settings.
  5. Click
Assign the profile to a user or group.