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BlackBerry UEM
BlackBerry UEM Client
BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server
BlackBerry Analytics
CylancePROTECT Mobile for UEM
SDK: BlackBerry Web Services for BlackBerry UEM
BlackBerry Access
BlackBerry Bridge
BlackBerry Connect
BlackBerry Edit
BlackBerry Notes
BlackBerry Tasks
BlackBerry Work
SDK: BlackBerry Dynamics
SDK: BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher SDK
Security and Architecture
BlackBerry AtHoc
BlackBerry AtHoc Mobile App
BlackBerry AtHoc Desktop App
BlackBerry AtHoc Integrations
BlackBerry AtHoc Geofencing App
BlackBerry AtHoc User Sync Client
Identity, Communication, and Collaboration
BlackBerry 2FA
BBM Enterprise
BlackBerry Enterprise ID
BlackBerry Org Connect
BlackBerry Workspaces
Development Tools
BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher SDK
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK
BlackBerry Web Services for BlackBerry UEM
BlackBerry Workspaces SDK
Cylance Powered Security
Cylance Endpoint Security
Cylance Multi-Tenant Console
Cylance Engine
Cylance Application for QRadar
Cylance Application for Splunk
BlackBerry Extension for IBM QRadar
Administration Guide
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What is the BlackBerry Extension for QRadar?
Custom content
Custom properties
Log sources
Install the extension
Create the Application ID and Application Secret
Application privileges
Syslog configuration in the Cylance console
Get the reports prefix URL and token
Configure the BlackBerry extension for QRadar
Syslog configuration in the QRadar console
Use the dashboard
Fix saved searches in the dashboard
Use the sample Pulse dashboard
Cylance dashboard descriptions
Specify Device
Threat Remediation
Exploits Information
Configuration and miscellaneous
Action Log
Global List Actions
Threat Info Center
Get CylanceOPTICS event details
CylanceOPTICS detection event details
Zone interactions
Update a zone
Policy summary
Create a policy
Policy settings
Policy JSON view
Overview report
Daily reports
Use Log Activity
Syslog consumption
Cylance application
BlackBerry Docs
Cylance products
BlackBerry Extension for QRadar
What is the BlackBerry Extension for QRadar?
Log sources
Log sources
This extension comes with two log sources, one for live tenants and one for local replay (if needed).
The live tenant parses a TLS syslog feed
The local replay parses manually supplied syslogs
What is the BlackBerry Extension for QRadar?