Exploits Information
Use exploit information to see exploit events on a device.
If the exploits info device list is empty, you must specify a device first.
Item | Description |
Pie chart | This pie chart shows the exploit events found on the device and the percentage of occurrences for each event type. |
Event Id | This is the unique ID for an exploit event occurrence on the device. |
Artifact Name | This is the file name and path associated with the event. |
Artifact SHA256 Hash | This is the SHA256 hash for the file. |
Click on any of the table rows to get more information about the exploit.
Item | Description |
Back to event list | Go back to the table view |
Created On | The date and time the memory protection event was created |
Name | The path and the name of the file that triggered the event |
File Hash ID | The SHA256 hash for the threat |
File Version | The version number of the file that triggered the event |
DLL Version | The agent version that identified the memory protection event |
Process ID | The process ID for the memory protection event |
OS Security ID | The security identifier for the user, group, or other security principal; this is generated by the operating system |
User Name | The name of the user who was logged in to the device when the memory protection event occurred |
Groups | The groups the user belongs to |