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Cylance dashboard descriptions

dashboard for the Pulse tab contains several widgets with different data and graphs.
Application control events
This is a list of all application control events in your organization.
Cylance: Allowed external device distribution
This is a list of all USB mass storage devices that have been allowed to connect to devices in your organization.
Cylance reported threats (active)
This is a list of all active reported threats in your organization.
Devices needing remediation
This is a list of devices that require an action to be taken, like to quarantine or waive a file.
Devices registered (last 3 days)
This is a list of devices that have registered to the console in your organization in the last three days.
Events table
This is a table list of events that have happened in your organization.
  • Event name
    is the name of the event
  • Low level category
    is the category of the event
  • Device UUID
    is the unique ID for the device
  • Source IP
    is the IP address used by the device
  • Threat SHA256
    is the SHA256 hash for the threat
  • Cylance Event Id
    is the unique ID for the event, created by the console
  • Source zone
    is the zone the device is assigned to
  • Username
    is the user who was logged on when the event occurred
  • More
    provides further details about the event, like which product reported the event
Most recent offenses
This is a list of the most recent threats found in your organization.
  • Offense name
    is the name of the offense
  • Magnitude
    is the severity, credibility, and magnitude of the offense
Open offenses
This is the total number of events in the open state in your organization.
Optics events
This is a list of
events in your organization.
Overall script interpreter distribution
This is the total number of script control events found in your organization, grouped by the script interpreter (active scripts, Powershell scripts, and macros).
Successful exploits
This is the total number of exploits that have successfully run in your organization.
Syslog: Category distribution
This is a pie chart with the percentage distribution of syslog categories reported on in your organization.
Threats in unsafe state
This is the total number of threats that have not been acted upon in your organization.
Top offense categories
This is a graph of the top offenses in your organization, grouped by threat categories.