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UEM Notifications
to a production BlackBerry UEM domain

Follow these instructions when the
UEM Notifications
plug-in is complete and ready to deploy to a production UEM domain. The deployment process will stop the UEM services for a short time, so you should perform this task when there will be minimal impact to users.
Before you can deploy
UEM Notifications
, you must have an account provisioned for you in the
BlackBerry AtHoc
system. This provisioning provides the needed organization ID, username, and password. To have an account provisioned in the
BlackBerry AtHoc
system, contact your BlackBerry Technical Sales Manager.
  1. Go to the Software Download for BlackBerry UEM Notifications page at the following URL:
  2. Select
    BlackBerry UEM Notifications
    from the list.
  3. Click
  4. Download and save the .zip file to your system.
  5. Copy the .zip file to each computer that hosts a production BlackBerry UEM instance, then perform the following steps on each computer:
    1. Open the command line as an administrator and change the directory to <drive>:\Program Files\BlackBerry\UEM\tools\plugins\onprem.
    2. Execute the following command:
      plugin-deploy.bat --plugins "<file_path>" --iacceptEULA
      >" is the location of the plug-in package (.zip). The file path must be enclosed in double quotation marks. If you want to integrate more than one plug-in, you can type a comma-separated list of file paths in one set of double quotation marks (for example, "<
The command validates the plug-in, integrates it with the BlackBerry UEM components, and restarts the BlackBerry UEM services. This process may take some time (approximately 10 minutes). After the plug-in is integrated, the plug-in files are located at:
<drive>:\Program Files\BlackBerry\UEM\ext\