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Create an app registration in

You must create an app registration in
can use to authenticate with
  • In the
    management console, on the menu bar, click
    Settings > External integration > Microsoft Intune
    . Record the value of the
    Reply URL
    . You will use this URL in step 3.
  1. Log in to the Entra portal.
  2. In the section for app registrations, add a new registration.
  3. Specify the following and complete the registration:
    1. Type a name for the registration.
    2. Select which account types can use the application or access the API.
    3. For the redirect URI, click
      Mobile Client/Desktop
      and enter the Reply URL from the management console.
  4. Copy the application ID.
    This is the Client ID that you will register with
  5. In the section for managing API permissions, add a permission and select the following:
    • Microsoft Graph
    • Delegated permissions
    • Set the following delegated permissions:
      • Read and write Microsoft Intune apps (DeviceManagementApps > DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All)
      • Read all groups (Group > Group.Read.All)
      • Read all users' basic profile (User > User.ReadBasic.All)
  6. Grant administrator consent for all accounts in the current directory.
  7. In the section for managing certificates and secrets, add a new client secret and specify a description and duration.
  8. Copy the Value field of the new client secret (not the Secret ID).
    This is the Client key that you will register with