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Applications that are installed with 
BlackBerry UEM

You can use the 
BlackBerry UEM
 installation process to install the following third-party applications:
  • Microsoft .NET Framework
     4.5 (if it is available in the setup application to enable through the 
    Windows Server
    If a later version of 
    Microsoft .NET Framework
     is already installed, the 
    BlackBerry UEM
     setup application does not install 
    Microsoft .NET Framework
  • Microsoft Visual C++
     2017 Redistributable Package
  • Microsoft SQL Server
     2017 Express SP1 (if it is selected during the installation process)
  • Microsoft SQL Server
     2012 Native Client
  • RRAS for 
    Windows Server
     2008 or 2012
If the setup application cannot install RRAS on your computer you must stop the installation, install it manually, and restart the installation. 
Windows PowerShell
 2.0 or later is required to run RRAS when installing 
BlackBerry UEM
. For more information about installing RRAS manually, visit
If your environment does not require IIS, you can manually uninstall it after installing 
BlackBerry UEM
Uninstall the 
Microsoft SQL Server
 2012 Native Client before installing 
BlackBerry UEM
 if you are installing 
Microsoft SQL Server
 2017 Express SP1.
If you want to install 
Microsoft SQL Server
 2017 Express SP1 on a computer that does not host 
BlackBerry UEM
, you can copy the 
BlackBerry UEM
 installation files to the computer that you want to install 
Microsoft SQL Server
 2017 Express SP1 on. In the 
BlackBerry UEM
 installation files, navigate to the 
Tools > ext
 folders and run the sqlexpress.exe file (64-bit).