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View .pdf files in PDF presentation view

The presentation view for .pdf files works with downloaded .pdf attachments, as well as with .pdf files in your
Local Docs
and online repositories. For more information about
BlackBerry Work
Docs and working with repositories, see Managing your documents.
You can run your presentation directly from your mobile device and connect to a projector or TV with an
HDMI adapter.
To use PDF Presentation View:
  1. Open a .pdf attachment in an email:
    1. In the open message containing the attachment, tap the paperclip adjacent to the date-time in the
      line. The number of attachments included in the email is shown next to the paperclip.
    2. In the list of attachments, tap the one that you want to download and save.
    3. When the item indicates "Downloaded", tap it again to open it.
  2. Tap The Menu icon in the top of the screen and tap
    Presentation View
    . A presentation toolbar is displayed at the top of the screen.
    • Tap The Clock icon to start a rehearsal timer.
    • Tap The Remote icon to transfer control to a remote control, when available.
    • Tap The List icon to list page thumbnails in multiple rows.
    • Tap The Settings icon to list your slide transition options:
      • Fade
      • Flip
      • Page
      • No Animation
  3. Tap The Exit icon to exit
    Presentation View