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View your email

When you open
BlackBerry Work
for the first time, your email Inbox is displayed. Your inbox is synchronized with your work email account each time you open the app and periodically while you're using the app. You can swipe down on the message list to force synchronization at any time.
  1. In your email inbox, complete one of the following tasks:
    Toggle between the message list and a filtered list that you defined.
    Tap The filter icon at the bottom left of the screen to toggle between your complete message list and a filtered list that you define.
    Display other folders.
    Tap The Menu icon.
    Sort and order the message list.
    Tap The Navigation icon and select one of the following options:
    • By Date: When you sort your email by date, you can specify whether date headers (for example, Today, Yesterday, Last Week) are displayed. In the app settings (Settings > Mail > General), if you enable the "Disable Time Section Headers" option, the date headers are not displayed. 
    • By Sender
    • By Subject
    You can also order your messages in ascending or descending order.
    Mark an email message as read, or unread, or to create a task or a note.
    Swipe right on the message.
    Delete or flag an email message.
    Swipe left on the message.
    Select multiple emails to mark as unread, report phishing, flag, move multiple emails to a new folder, or delete them.
    and then select the messages.
    Search for an email.
    Use the Search field.
    Create a new email.
    Tap The Compose icon.
    Open a different
    BlackBerry Dynamics
    Tap The Launcher icon.