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Client server communications

The following options are available in the Client Server Communications section.
BlackBerry AtHoc
release 7.4 and later releases, you must have system administrator permissions to configure client server communications.
  • System Setup URL
    This is the URL to the server where
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    is installed.
  • Check Update Interval
    The Check Update Interval (CU) determines how frequently the desktop app polls the server for updates, including alerts. A lower value causes end users to receive desktop pop-up alerts sooner. A higher value causes users to receive desktop pop-up alerts later. The recommended value is 3 minutes.
  • Reconnect Interval
    The Reconnect Interval specifies the interval the desktop app waits before attempting to contact the server again when the connection is lost. When a CU fails due to a lost connection, either a timeout or no Internet connection is available, the desktop app uses the Reconnect Interval setting to determine the number of CU intervals to wait before attempting to connect again. The minimum value is 1. The maximum value is 10. The default value is 2.
    This option is used in conjunction with CONNECT-INTERVAL-WINDOW.
  • Recovery Interval
    The Recovery Interval specifies the number of CU intervals the desktop app waits before attempting to contact the server again when the server responds to a SO or CU with an error.
    The minimum value is 1. The maximum value is 10. The default value is 2.
  • Start-up Delay
    The Start-up Delay option is a fractional value between 0 and 1 inclusive that is used to determine the amount of delay before the desktop app first attempts to sign on. A value of 0 specifies no delay and a value of 1 specifies to wait one full Check Update interval. A value of .5 specifies a delay of 50% of the check update interval.
    This setting enables you to stagger desktop app sign-ons where users arrive or return to work at the same time and reduce server load caused by many simultaneous sign-ons.
    If there is no KEEPER-START value in the registry (Windows) or in the UserDefaults (Mac), the desktop app uses the value from the KEEPER-INTERVAL (the CU interval) as the random delay for sign-ons.
  • Communication Session Expires After
    This option determines when the desktop app session is reset on the server (and the record deleted from the session table). The default value is 86400 seconds (24 hours). When the desktop app session expires, the desktop app performs a sign on at the next CU.
  • Override Default Communication Session Expiration Time After
    By expiring desktop sessions after an interval of inactivity, this option provides a mechanism to get desktop apps to perform a sign on in environments where users do not turn off their computer. Because redirection occurs during sign on, this option can be used to get desktop apps to redirect in environments where users do not turn off their computer.
  • Group-based Check Update Interval
    This option allows the system to override the check update interval for specific groups and give different users different check update intervals depending on the XML configuration. Select the Enable check box to view and edit the XML. Specify the value in seconds.