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What is the
BlackBerry AtHoc
desktop app?

The BlackBerry® AtHoc® management system provides authorized users with the ability to quickly notify large numbers of people in widely dispersed locations during emergencies and other critical situations.
BlackBerry AtHoc
also helps those users monitor alerts for threat conditions while also providing basic notifications services for non-emergency situations.
BlackBerry AtHoc
desktop application (also called the desktop app or desktop client) is a small desktop application that runs continuously on your computer. When a new alert targeted at user desktops is published in the
BlackBerry AtHoc
system, a notification screen opens on your desktop, accompanied by an audio notification.
You can then close the pop-up or click a link to obtain additional information about the alert. For emergency alerts, the pop-up screen might contain response options that you must select from in order to acknowledge receipt of the alert.
This guide is intended for IT administrators who are responsible for installing, setting up, and maintaining the
BlackBerry AtHoc
desktop app for end users. To find information about using the desktop app to receive alerts, see the .
BlackBerry AtHoc
desktop app release 7.1 or later is compatible with
BlackBerry AtHoc
release 7.9 (OnPrem) and 7.14 or later release.