Add a repository using the Docs Self-Service web console
Self-Service web consoleYou must be authorized to access the
Self-Service web console. For instructions on authorizing access to the Docs
Self-Service web console, see Allow user-defined repositories. Users must have the Add New Repositories permission to add a repository from the browser.- In your computer browser, open a browser and navigate to theDocsSelf-Service console at one of the following web addresses:
- If your environment is configured for single sign-on, go tohttps://<(for example,bems_fqdn>:<port>/docsconsole-sso If you are authorized, you are automatically logged in using yourMicrosoft Active Directorycredentials.
- If your environment is configured to require a username and password, go tohttps://<(for example,bems_fqdn>:<port>/docsconsole You must enter yourMicrosoft Active Directorycredentials.
- ClickAdd Repositoryto define a new data source.
- In theDisplay Namefield, type a display name. This name is displayed in repository lists in the console and on your device.
- In theStorage Typefield, select a storage type (for example, File Share,SharePoint, orBox).
- In thePathfield, enter the path.
- ClickSave.
To remove a repository, click
beside it.