Preinstallation and preupgrade requirements for on-premises BEMS
Complete the following tasks, if required, before you install or upgrade the on-premises
.Hardware requirements |
Review and complete the Capacity Calculator for BlackBerry BEMS. The performance calculator provides minimum recommendations based on the values that you enter. If you require additional capacity, redundancy, or room for growth, enter values that reflect these needs to accommodate any near future large app and user deployment projects. |
Verify that your environment meets the hardware requirements for your needs and to determine whether you should install BEMS on a separate server. |
Third-party software requirements |
Verify that Windows is up-to-date and that you perform any restarts required for the update. |
Verify that the server that is hosting BEMS is running an operating system that supports BEMS . |
If your organization uses a proxy server for Internet access, verify that you have the proxy server details (for example, the web proxy FQDN). For more information, see Configure a web proxy server in the BEMS Core configuration content. |
Verify the version of Microsoft .NET
Framework . For more information, see Preparing the computer that hosts BEMS for use with Skype for Business. |
If your environment uses Microsoft
Exchange , verify that the Exchange client access server (CAS) version supports TLS 1.2. For more information, see KB 56869. If the TLS version is not updated, Push Notifications fail. BEMS enforces TLS 1.2 for connections to the Microsoft
Exchange server.
If your environment uses Microsoft SQL
Server , verify that your SQL Server is updated to support TLS 1.2 if database connection encryption is used. If the TLS version is not updated, you receive an error message and can't access the BEMS dashboard. BEMS enforces TLS 1.2 for connections to the SQL Server . For more information, see KB 56869 and KB 56865. |
Verify that you have a database server that supports BEMS. To configure remote TCP/IP connections for Microsoft SQL
Server Express, see BlackBerry Push Notifications database requirements. |
Verify that you have a mail server that supports BEMS. |
Verify that the server's date and time are set correctly. |
Verify that the server that is hosting the BEMS instance has been joined to the domain. |
Verify that your server that hosts and accesses the on-premises BEMS Dashboard has a supported browser installed. |
Verify that the BEMS service account is a local administrator on the computer that hosts the BEMS instance. |
If you plan to install the Docs service and provide users with access to a content storage provider, verify the environment is running a supported content storage repository (for example, Microsoft
SharePoint or Box ). |
Verify that the SQL Server account or the BEMS Windows service account has db_owner privileges to the database. For more information, see KB 42661. |
Verify that you have installed JRE 17 on the servers where you will install BEMS and that you have an environment variable that points to its location. For more information, see Set an environment variable for the Java location. For more information about supported JRE versions, see the Compatibility matrix. |
Environment configuration requirements |
Verify that you opened the necessary ports on your organization’s firewall. For a list of required ports, see Port requirements. |
Verify that you have DNS support for the following:
During the install or upgrade of the BEMS software, disable any antivirus programs and exclude the BEMS directory from virus scanning. |