Import the certificate into the Java keystore on BEMS
keystore on BEMS
For the
and Docs
service to trust the BlackBerry Proxy
server’s certificate, you must import BlackBerry Connectivity Node
certificate. Use the DBmanager to import the certificate into the BEMS
keystore. By default, DBmanager is located in the installation folder at <
. drive
>\GoodEnterpriseMobilityServer\DBManagerSave a copy of the ca.cer certificate you exported to a convenient location on the computer that hosts
. For instructions, see Export the BlackBerry Proxy certificate to the local computer.- On the computer that hosts the on-premisesBEMS, verify that the PATH System variable includes the path to the JAVA directory.
- In a command prompt, typeset | findstr "Path".
- PressEnter.
For more information about setting the Path system variable, see Set an environment variable for the Java location. - Make a backup of theJavakeystore file. TheJavakeystore file is located at%JAVA_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts, where JAVA_HOME is confirmed in Step 1.
- Import the rootBlackBerry Proxycertificate.
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the DBManager folder. For example, if the installation files are saved to your Downloads folder, typeC:\Users\besadmin\Downloads\GoodEnterpriseMobilityServer<version>\GoodEnterpriseMobilityServer\DBManager
- Import the certificate. Typejava -jar dbmanager-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -moduleName pushnotify -dbType sqlserver -dbName <SQL_server_DB_name> -dbHost <Name of the computer hosting the SQL DB> -dbPort 1433 -userName gems_sa -password <BEMS_service_account_password> -action addcertificate -pemFile "C:\<path to the pemfile location>\<certificate name>.cer" -alias gdcert
- Restart theGood Technology Common Servicesservice in theWindowsService Manager.
Configure the Core
service for communicating to BlackBerry
. For instructions, see Configure the BlackBerry Dynamics server in BEMS.