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This option is visible only if
is enabled. When this option is turned on, the events that are detected by the agent on users’ devices are sent to your organization’s syslog server.
This is the
Cylance Endpoint Security
tenant associated with the endpoint.
Event Type
This is the defined event type for data exfiltration alerts.
Event name
Data Exfiltration Event
This is the defined event name for data exfiltration alerts.
Eco ID
This is the user's EcoID, if available.
This is the date and time the event occurred.
This is the BlackBerry product generating the event.
This is the username associated with the event, if available.
User Email
This is the email of the user associated with the event, if available.
User Title
This is the title of the user associated with the event, if available.
User Department
This is the department of the user associated with the event, if available.
Container ID
Device ID
This is the Device ID for the Desktop client
Client Version
This is the
capability version.
Device Name
This is the name of the device associated with the data exfiltration event.
Client Type
This is the type of client associated with the data exfiltration event:
  • Unknown
  • Dynamics
  • Spark
  • Desktop
Device OS
This is the operating system of the device:
  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • iOS
  • Android
Version of OS
This is the version of the operating system on the device.
Policy Names
This is a list of the policy names that triggered the event. This list can contain 1 or more policy names.
Activity Type
Browser upload
The file was exfiltrated through a browser upload.
Email send
The file was exfiltrated through the content of an email message.
File transfer
The file was exfiltrated in the attachment of an email message.
Copy to
The file was exfiltrated by copying the file to a USB device.
This is the location that exfiltrated file was sent to:
  • Browser domain: This is the domain of the browser that the file was uploaded to.
  • Email domain: This is the email domain or domains that the file was sent to.
  • USB name: This is the name of the USB device that the file was uploaded to.
  • Network location: This is the name of the network drive that the file was uploaded to.
Email Subject
This is the subject of the email that the file was sent to.
File Info
This is the SHA256 hash and the file type of the file that was exfiltrated.
Data Types
These are the data type names that were involved in the event. For more information on data types, see Specifying sensitive data types.
Example Syslog Message:
Sep 02 15:04:59 sysloghost CylancePROTECT Event Type: InfoProtectEvent, Event Name: InfoProtectEvent, Eco Id: Am6XZ102mlPgFzI/N8mjANP4=, User: John Smith (, User Name: jsmith, Message: {"common": { "id": "a15e547f-a13f-4f0f-888a-888650702cdf", "tenantId": "L1234564", "occurred": "2021-08-10T16:17:09Z", "traceId": "ab59fe31", "spanId": "d89e3ab", "source": "com.blackberry.dlp", "type": "ALERT", "category": "Exfiltration", "subcategory": "Email", "message": "Email Exfiltration Detected" }, "user": { "id": "a15e547f-a13f-4f0f-888a-888650702cdf", "ecoId": "Am6XZ102mlPgFzI/N8mjANP4=", "displayName": "JSmith", "email", "title": "Engineer", "department": "Engineering" }, "device": { "id" : "a15e547f-a13f-4f0f-888a-888650702cdf", "osFamily": "Windows", "osVersion": "10.7.0" }, "endpoint": { "id" : "a15e547f-a13f-4f0f-888a-888650702cdf", "version": "10.7.0", "name": "jsmith Desktop", "type": "DESKTOP" }, "files": [ { "sha256": "asfafsdfdsfsf", "type": "doc"}, { "sha256": "hdfbbhjhgjghn", "type": "pdf"} ], "profiles" : [ {"id": "a15e547f-a13f-4f0f-888a-888650702cdf", "type": "PROFILE", "displayName": "HIPAA"}, {"id": "b15d547f-a13f-4f0f-888a-888650702cdf", "type": "PROFILE", "displayName": "Finance"} ], "locations" : ["", ""], "dataEntityNames": ["Credit card numbers", "Age", "SSN"], "emailSubject": "Architecture Change"}