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Obtaining the web address for your organization's 
BlackBerry Workspaces
 plug-in for 
BlackBerry UEM Cloud

If users delete the welcome email and web address for your organization's 
BlackBerry Workspaces
 instance, you can provide the web address based on the custom domain you specified when you created your organization's tenant. When you create the tenant name and specify the custom domain, the name is used to create the web address to reference your services in 
BlackBerry UEM Cloud
. For example, if you specify "example" as the custom domain, the web address that is generated is "example.<
>". Users can use this web address to log in to 
BlackBerry Workspaces
. For more information on creating your tenant, see the 
BlackBerry UEM Cloud
 Licensing content
When you specify the custom domain and the tenant is created, the custom domain cannot be changed. Changing the custom domain will break webpage links.