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When the app stops responding, why does it stay in the app switcher list?
In iOS 7 and later, the app switcher is a list of recently used apps, not a list of running apps.
Why does the app launch screen only display sometimes when I open the app?
iOS purged the app from memory and it is relaunched by the OS when you re-open the app.
Why does the app launch screen only display sometimes when I open the app?
  • iOS needed more memory for other running apps and sent a low memory warning.
  • The app stop responding.
  • The user forced the app to close.
  • The user restarted the phone.
How does "Background App Refresh" / "Background Refresh" / "Background Fetch" work?
iOS 7 introduced the "Background App Refresh" API (also referred to as "Background Refresh" or "Background Fetch") which allows participating apps to get scheduled time to run a background task. The OS calls this API at its own discretion depending partly on user activity. In practice, we see this API calling the
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mobile app about every 30 minutes, except when the user is not normally using their device (for example, sleep time.) The OS may not schedule updates at all. Apps are only given 30 seconds per background fetch.
The user can turn off Background App Refresh in Settings.