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Reply to an incoming alert

Within the Inbox, 
 refers to the action of looking at the details of an alert while 
 refers to the action of responding to the alert by clicking a button and selecting a response option. You can reply to an alert if it meets all of the following criteria:
  • It requires a reply
  • It has not yet expired
  • It has not yet been replied to
  • It was sent from another organization
Reviewing is a 
per alert
 action, not a 
per person
 action. Only one person must review an alert for it to be marked as reviewed in the system. If another operator reviews an alert, their review is reflected on your screen. If you mark an alert as reviewed, that action will be reflected on the screens of all operators.
There are two ways to reply to an incoming alert. The method you chose will depend on how much information you need prior to replying.