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Troubleshooting and diagnostics

Use the log files to help you detect issues that your system administrator can either fix or else send to BlackBerry Technical Support for investigation and resolution. You can also search the BlackBerry Knowledge Base for information.
Enable debug logging to see the logs. 

 and KCD log file error codes

Information captured in the 
BlackBerry UEM
 server logs can often help to explain 
 authentication and KCD issues and errors. Following is an example of a 
 error log:
2019-06-26T13:23:19.424-0500 - CORE {ContainerMgmtServerThread#1} none|none [{{externalTenantId,S12345678}}] - ERROR KRB u= B32F95DF-4338-499A-A06D-7EAC36852A21 while requesting KRB ServiceTicket for serviceClass= HTTP server= port= 443 serviceName= httpcom.rim.platform.mdm.dynamics.kerberos.KerberosException: Failed to impersonate userPrincipal KCDADMIN@UEM1.EXAMPLE.COM; krbErrCode: 63; krbErrText: Fail to create credential.
The two most important parameters in the error messages are krbErrCode and krbErrText, which furnish a description of possible error conditions detected. 
For a complete list of Kerberos error messages, visit to read "Kerberos and LDAP error messages".