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Best practice: Creating work connection profiles

Some work connection profiles can include one or more associated profiles. When you specify an associated profile, you link an existing profile to a work connection profile, and devices must use the associated profile when they use the work connection profile.
Consider the following guidelines:
  • Determine which work connections are required for devices in your organization.
  • Create profiles that you can associate with other profiles before you create the work connection profiles that use them.
  • Use variables where appropriate.
You can associate certificate profiles and proxy profiles with various work connection profiles. You should create profiles in the following order:
  1. Certificate profiles
  2. Proxy profiles
  3. Work connection profiles such as email, VPN, and 
For example, if you create a 
 profile first, you cannot associate a proxy profile with the 
 profile when you create it. After you create a proxy profile, you must change the 
 profile to associate the proxy profile with it.