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Create an enterprise dynamic distribution list

Create a dynamic distribution list to target users in multiple organizations. Personnel changes can impact a list, so use a condition to target users that meet the criteria instead of selecting individual users that might move out of the organization.
You can use the enterprise
attribute, to select users based on the organization that they belong to.
  1. Create a dynamic distribution list from the enterprise or super enterprise organization and provide a name that signals that the list is enterprise-wide, such as
  2. In the
    Distribution List Members
    section, click
  3. In the
    Select Attribute
    list, select an enterprise attribute to use as targeting criteria for the distribution list.
    An enterprise attribute is defined at the enterprise organization level and inherited by suborganizations.
  4. In the
    Select Operator
    list, select the query operator needed for the condition, such as
    The list of operators varies depending on the type of attribute selected.
  5. In the third field, enter a value, or select one or more available values for the attribute.
  6. When you have finished adding conditions, click
    to add the criteria to the dynamic list.
  7. Click