Removing the BlackBerry Connectivity Node software
BlackBerry Connectivity Node
softwareYou can use the uninstall application to remove the
BlackBerry UEM
connectivity software from a server. The uninstall application can also remove the log files for the existing installation.The uninstall application removes the software from the local server, but it does not do the following:
- Remove theBlackBerry Connectivity Nodeinstance from theBlackBerry UEMdatabase
- Deregister the components from theBlackBerry Dynamics NOC
- Remove theBlackBerry Proxyinstance from theBEMSBlackBerry DynamicsconfigurationIf your environment is running an on-premisesBEMSinstance, verify that theBlackBerry UEMthat is being decommissioned is not listed in theUEMinstanceBEMSDashboard >BlackBerry Dynamicsconfiguration screen. If theBlackBerry UEMis listed and it is used byBEMSas the primaryBlackBerry Proxyserver, you must specify anotherBlackBerry Proxyserver or users cannot access theBEMS-Docsrepositories and will eventually stop receiving new email notifications. To verify if theUEMinstance is listed, see Configure the BlackBerry Dynamics server in BEMS in the ConfiguringBEMS-Corecontent.
Therefore, before you reinstall the
BlackBerry UEM
connectivity software, you must remove the BlackBerry Connectivity Node
instance from the management console. When you remove a BlackBerry Connectivity Node
instance from the management console, the BlackBerry Proxy
instance is deregistered from the BlackBerry Dynamics NOC
. This is a necessary step for decommissioning.