Retrieving device logs
You can retrieve log files from devices, using the following methods:
Method | Description | Supported devices |
In an on-premises environment, you can retrieve log files from devices by using the "Get device logs" command. A snapshot of the log files for the device is collected every time you use the device command to retrieve them. Users are notified of your ability to collect system log files during device activation and may be notified again when you send the command to retrieve the log files, depending on the device settings. This command is not available in BlackBerry UEM Cloud .iOS and Android devices must have the BlackBerry UEM Client installed and the log files retrieved are BlackBerry UEM Client logs only. |
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Device users can email log files to their administrator from the Help menu in the BlackBerry UEM Client . |
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Windows 10 device users can email log files to their administrator from the Help menu in the BlackBerry UEM App Catalog. |