Assign the BEMS SSL certificate to users
SSL certificate to usersBy default,
uses a self-signed certificate that is generated by the BEMS
installer. If the BEMS
SSL certificate is CA signed, export the CA root and intermediates as described in Replacing the autogenerated SSL certificate.- Complete one of the following actions:EnvironmentTasksIf you have aBlackBerry UEMenvironment,
- If theBEMSSSL certificate has not been replaced, export the SSL certificate to a file.
- In theBlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server Dashboard, underBEMS System Settings, clickSSL Certificate.
- ClickDownload SSL Certificate. By default, the BemsCert.cer file is saved to the Downloads folder.
- Create a CA certificate profile for theBEMSSelf-Signed certificate,or create individual CA certificate profiles for the CA Root certificate and any CA Intermediate certificates. Assign the profiles to users or user groups. For instructions on creating a CA certificate profile and assigning it to users or user groups, see theBlackBerry UEMadministration content.
If you have aGood Controlenvironment,Add the certificates to the Trusted Authorities tab. For instructions, see the "Trusted Authorities tab" in the Good Control Online Help content.