Get users
Request a page with a list of console user resources belonging to a tenant, sorted by the created date, in descending order (most recent user registered listed first). The page number and page size parameters are optional. When the values are not specified, the default values are 1 and 10 respectively. The maximum page size that can be specified is 200 entries per page.
Service Endpoint | /users/v2?page=m&page_size=n |
Optional query string parameters |
Example | return the first page with up to 100 users: |
Method | HTTP/1.1 GET |
Request headers |
Please see the Response status codes for more information.
Response JSON schema
Field Name | Description |
date_created | This is the date and time (in UTC) the console user was created. |
date_email_confirmed | This is the date and time (in UTC) when the user confirmed the email provided. |
date_last_login | This is the date and time (in UTC) the user last logged in to the console. |
date_modified | This is the date and time (in UTC) the console user information was last updated. |
default_zone_role_name | This is the name of the role for the user in the zone. |
default_zone_role_type | This is the unique identifier for the user's default role when assigned to a zone.
email | This is the user's email address. |
first_name | This is the user's first name. |
has_logged_in | This is true if the user has successfully logged in to the console. |
last_name | This is the user's last name. |
page_number | This is the page number requested. |
page_size | This is the the page size requested. |
role_type | This is the unique identifier defining the user's role in the console.
tenant_id | This is the organization's unique identifier for the console. |
total_number_of_items | This is the total number of resources. |
total_pages | This is the total number of pages that can be retrieved, based on the page size specified. |
user_id | This is the user's unique identifier for the console. |
zones | These are the zones that the user has access to as an array of elements.