Lockdown device command
Create a
device lockdown command resource for a specific device. Service endpoint | /devicecommands/v2/{{device_id}}/lockdown?value=true&expires=d:hh:mm |
Optional query string parameters |
Example | https://protectapi.cylance.com/devicecommands/v2/45E07F34E76B4A9EB167D6D0C510D6BA/lockdown?value=true&expires=0:00:05 |
Method | HTTP/1.1 PUT |
Request headers |
The format of the device ID must be in all caps with no hyphens.
{ "lockdown_config_id": 1, "lockdown_type": "Lockdown", "expires": "0:00:05", "parameters": { "Network": {} } }
Please see the Response status codes for more information.
Response JSON schema
Field Name | Description |
id | This is the unique device ID that the lockdown command was issued to. See About device ID for device ID formatting. |
hostname | This is the hostname of the device that the lockdown command was issued to. |
tenant_id | This is the unique tenant ID of the tenant that the device belongs to. |
connection_status | This displays whether or not the device is connected to Cylance 's cloud services. |
optics_device_version | This returns the numerical version of CylanceOPTICS running on the device. |
password | This is the password required to unlock the device. |
lockdown_expiration | This is the timestamp (in UTC) of when the current device lockdown is set to expire. |
lockdown_initiated | This is the timestamp (in UTC) of when the current device lockdown was initiated. |
lockdown_history | This is a list of historical device lockdown commands issued to this particular device. |
user_id | This is the unique ID of the user who locked down the device. |
timestamp | This is the timestamp (in UTC) of when the command was initiated. |
command | This is the command that was executed. |