Get user
Request information for a specific console user resource belonging to a tenant.
Service endpoint | /users/v2/{user_id | user_email_address} |
Optional query string parameters | — |
Example |
Method | HTTP/1.1 GET |
Request headers |
Please see the Response status codes for more information.
Response JSON schema
Field Name | Description |
date_created | This is the date and time (in UTC) the console user was created. |
date_email_confirmed | This is the date and time (in UTC) when the user confirmed the email provided. |
date_last_login | This is the date and time (in UTC) the user last logged in to the console. |
date_modified | This is the date and time (in UTC) the console user information was last updated. |
default_zone_role_name | This is the name of the role for the user in the zone. |
default_zone_role_type | This is the unique identifier for the user's default role when assigned to a zone.
email | This is the user's email address. |
first_name | This is the user's first name. |
has_logged_in | This is true if the user has successfully logged in to the console. |
id | This is the user's unique identifier for the console. |
last_name | This is the user's last name. |
role_name | This is the name of the role. |
role_type | This is the unique identifier defining the user's role in the console.
tenant_id | This is the organization's unique identifier for the console. |
total_pages | This is the total number of pages that can be retrieved, based on the page size specified. |
zones | These are the zones that the user has access to as an array of elements.