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Changing the 
Org Connect

When you change the 
BlackBerry Org Connect
 owner, the owner permissions are removed from the current owner. If you are the current owner, you must log out of and log back in to the 
 management console to update your permissions after you change the owner. The new owner receives a confirmation email when they are assigned the owner role. Only users who are Security administrators in 
 can be assigned the 
Org Connect
 owner role.
You should ensure that your organization has an owner assigned at all times. It is also recommended that at least one other Security administrator in 
 is assigned the 
Org Connect
 administrator role so that they can manage 
Org Connect
 if the owner is not available or leaves the organization. If the current 
Org Connect
 owner leaves the organization, and a new owner was not assigned, the additional contact must contact the 
Org Connect
 operations team to designate a new owner. Only the current owner or the 
Org Connect
 operations team can designate a new owner.