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Accept a connection request

When you receive a connection request, The Alert icon  is displayed beside the app icon on the All organizations and My network pages.
  1. On the menu bar, click 
    Org Connect
  2. Perform one of the following actions:
    Accept an invitation from the All organizations page.
    1. Click 
      All organizations
    2. In the 
      Connected apps
       column, click The Alert icon. The connection details are displayed.
    3. Read the connection agreement and click 
    Accept an invitation from the My network page.
    1. Click 
      My network
    2. In the 
      Connected apps
       column, click The Alert icon. The connection details are displayed.
    3. Read the connection agreement and click 
    Accept an invitation from the Mailbox.
    1. Click 
    2. In the 
       message list, click a 
      Connection request - 
      BBM Enterprise
       message. The connection request message opens.
    3. Read the connection agreement and click 
After you accept a connection request, a notification appears in the organization's 
Org Connect
 mailbox, and the 
Org Connect
 owner and administrators receive an email notification. A notification also appears in the sent items in your Org Connect mailbox. 
BBM Enterprise
 users can begin to search for and connect with contacts in each organization.